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DreamBeeArt Photography
& Portrait Design by Dreama
Wish to Thank YOU!
I want to thank you in advance for choosing this studio for your portrait needs whether this is your first time or you have been with us since day one. You'll never know how much it means to me personally as well as in business. I know you have options and I'm thankful for each and everyone of you.
As you might expect in this digital age and the fast-paced world we now live in where people really don't stop to smell the roses or hardly even emjoi click or comment...well lets just say... I hope you and your family will.
All of the images you have received have a special treatment or necessary edit techniques to create the signature look my studio is known for. The process is done with state of the art computer software and professional color technicians. I take a lot of pride in creating each image for my clients, and as you have seen, color & tonality accuracy is very important to my work!
I am fortunate enough to work with some of the best clients/vendors out there, such as yourself, who respect my vision as an artist and not alter my images in anyway when sharing. I want to thank you in advance for sharing the images the way they are intended!
Please note a citation of our business name should be made on every image with links back to this website ( or if on facebook - @DreamaStephenson ( in a share of the main post from my business page is expected. Or just when sharing/posting/resharing, etc..
Even better if you add the website address too. -
No alterations to the copyright image(s) should be made including filters to alter the colors and cropping (with exceptions of forced cropping for Instagram). In this case you see our logo has been placed to be within the parameters to help with this issue. I need my photographs that are placed online to be accurate representations of my work so that future clients have a good understanding of the type of portraits that they'll receive.
As you might imagine word of mouth is the best form of advertising. And quite honestly always needed. So when your images or album loads you will be tagged...If you have LIKED/FOLLOWED this business. After reading this I need your Instagram Handles emailed to me so I know how to tag. Seniors/Moms/Dads/Children if on Social Media. You'll love your album, so it doesn't take space on your phone. These are for upgraded packages and it's like your own app!! You just save to your favorites and view anytime you please. In fact sharing from inside the album is more interesting on your own page. :)
The full integrity of the images will show to viewers rather than the pixelated version that downloads and re-uploads, when you make profiles and covers from within Facebook and Instagram. Just look for the image options.
Please be so kind to comment on the main post and/or inside your album when you see it's been posted. Consider commenting names of people on this MAIN POST to draw them over to see the whole album. A comment about the subject(s) in the image is fine, not asking you to comment on the me the photographer, but certainly up to you. We LOVE COMMENTS. I LOVE THEM. Don't you? lol
We advise, even though we may post during the day at times this studio has been educated on...Waiting to share them on a weekday after dinner or before church hours on Sunday is much better if you want your friends to engage. It's really about the engagement we all get right? Why else would we all take so much time out of our daily life to post. More of your peeps will see your "shared from our page post or the album. Want to share each single image per evening from the main post? ... Up to you, just remember the citations, please.
Making a profile or a cover for your FB/Instagram? SKIP CROPPING and again look for the options on the image to do so.... you'll still position your circle/square with our logo showing as it's placed on purpose. Don't allow the app to crop. A lot of time has already been put in to the appropriate cropping and placement of logo so they are visibly pleasing to the eye as a whole. When your image is clicked the image should open to full size. EVEN BETTER.
Thanks for allowing me to put a little education out there from this business to you about your/our images. wink wink
We are hoping for the EVEN BETTER. WAY.
Thanks for being you!
Dreama Stephenson
Portrait Design by Dreama / Dreama Stephenson Photography
"Where Love of Art is A Part!"
I give back! You may bank some Portrait Dollars in-house toward your next package,
when I gain new clients due to you.
Portrait Design by Dreama
Dreama Stephenson Photography
"Where Love of Art is a Part!"
Beautiful images for your most beautiful moments
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