First Piano Recital for Whysper Stephenson 2016

Well, Whysper Stephenson did it! Her first piano recital in the books. She has only been taking lessons for 5 maybe 6 weeks and using both hands to play. She started at 6 although she did turn 7 a month ago. She got to tell her name and her song selections for the evening. The first was performed alongside her piano teacher, Mrs. Kate; "Raccoon's Lullaby" and "The Ensie Wensie Spider" as her solo. Super proud of this girl. She also does gymnastics full time along with softball added to the mix all while finishing up her last year at Howard Elementary before moving to her new school. She loves to read and takes challenges very seriously, always wanting to read the most during school breaks and actually has achieved it several times for a first grader, now second grader I should say. She loves being with her friends, one of which is little Miss McKinley pictured here. #fwsProudMommy Hope it stays that way.